Sunday 24 February 2008

Chapter Seven

Simple Button Making

Buttons made with Shop Bought Plastic Forms

Buttons made with Hand Made Forms


Elizabeth Braun said...

Thank you, this is very interesting! I'm seriously considering the C&G programmes and I could even go to a class which would give me the Level 3 Cert & Dip over 4 years of Thursdays. I'm also interested in the stumpwork suite from WS Touchbase. Your work here has given some insight into the design modules as well as some of the samples etc.

I've seen some other stuff on blogs that the blogger was doing for C&G and/or distance learning companies and felt that what they had done was so ugly I was beginning to re-think any plans to take courses, but your work is interesting and attractive. Thanks again!

stitching in the sun said...

Hi Alison, I absolutely love your super tassel! I just came back from skying in the Dolomites and I feel guilty, I've got to get back to work now. With love